Smaller contractors in particular may need support to build their customer relationship management systems to handle a program of regular follow-ups to keep warm leads “warm” until they can reach the customer. Project organizers can help contractors by ensuring that they have thought through their customer service plan, requiring specific plans in the RFP response.The early Solarize campaigns offered an optional free site assessment in which Energy Trust helped residents determine their homes’ suitability for solar and consider energy efficiency options. Although attractive in principle, in practice, offering these third-party reviews created a bottleneck, slowing the installation process as contractors had to wait for the reviewers to complete their assessment before meeting with the homeowner. The first program evaluation showed that homeowners who requested the optional site assessment actually installed solar at a lower rate than those who did not (possibly because they were requested by homeowners who suspected that their home was unsuitable.) In any case, the contractor must ultimately visit the home to advise on the system size and sign the contract, so the site assessments can be part of the contractor’s plan.To what extent is the success of Solarize due to low prices? Campaign results suggest that prices and incentives vary widely from market to market, and project organizers should consider several points when designing the price of the offer. In general, most people don’t know what a solar installation is supposed to cost, so they have no price yardstick to evaluate the program offering. More important than getting a good deal is the assurance that they are not getting a bad deal. As long as a consistent price is set for everyone, and it is demonstrably less expensive than the “going rate” for individual solar installations, people perceive the cost as “a good deal.” In fact, many RFP committees selected final bids that were not the lowest price, but the best value, providing a reasonable price for high-quality service.