Thursday, November 12, 2015

Beyond these strictly emissions reduction related achievements, most NAMAs are expected to accomplish sustainable and transformational development in the targeted sector.Sustainable and transformational impacts: NAMAs should result in a long-term, permanent transformation of a sector towards a lower greenhouse gas emissions pathway. To secure long-term transformation, NAMA design should ensure sustainability of impacts beyond the implementation period. A NAMA is one way to transition rapidly to an efficient lighting market, yielding continuous gains in energy efficiency, economic savings and emissions reductions. For example, a NAMA could include a requirement to periodically assess the efficiency of best available lighting technologies, so that the minimum energy performance standards can be updated regularly and can capture the greatest opportunities possible.A NAMA should include quantitative and qualitative information on expected long-term transformational impacts. For lighting, pertinent information can be found in government and private sector forecasts of advances in lighting technology. Most lighting reports and roadmaps document the recent and significant improvements in solid-state lighting technologies, and forecast that anticipated improvements will render older technologies obsolete (particularly inefficient incandescent lamps), while making high efficiency technologies (particularly lighting systems that incorporate light emitting diodes and controls) a compelling alternative.Detailed calculations, sources and figures should be included where possible. Relevant methodologies developed for the Clean Development Mechanism could be employed because these are internationally approved methodologies and are likely to be acceptable to international partners. Clean Development Mechanism Methodologies AM46 and AMS-II.J are used successfully in project activities related to efficient lighting. The equation below is a simplified generic model for estimating the emissions reduction from increased use of energy efficient lighting products.